Michael Archibeque
Director of Strategic Partnerships
As Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships for Innovate + Educate, Michael brings more than twenty years’ experience managing highly complex programs, projects, and educational initiatives, addressing the integration of information systems and bridging the gap between Education and the Workforce. An employer himself (CEO/President of MA Strategies, LLC, a Program, Project, & Education solutions services company), Michael provides consulting services that benefit Federal, State, and Local Government and Educational entities. As chair of the P20W Statewide Longitudinal Database Task Force, Michael has diligently worked with Business and Industry leaders in identifying college, career, and military readiness competencies and skills necessary to prepare our students for college and career, with a high emphasis on evidence-based approaches to improve learning for all students.
As the former Chief Information Officer for the New Mexico Public Education Department (PED), Michael was responsible for all education information technology activity, including education application and systems development and implementation, infrastructure, maintenance and support, contracts/agreements, project management, hardware/software agreements, and operations planning and support. Michael provided technology leadership to the Secretary of Education, Legislative membership, PED Staff and New Mexico’s School Districts and Charter Schools. Michael specialized in the management of highly visible and complex programs and projects related to the initiation, analysis, and distribution of data and business information systems in Education, Transportation, and the Judicial System. Michael’s extensive background and experience related to integrated data programs enables him to provide comprehensive Education, IT, and Business analysis, assessments, planning and vision towards successful implementations and operations.